Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Full Story Behind Office Live MEATing

It's winter, so most bears are hibernating. Rivers are frozen over, streams are not being fed, and neither are the working BPOS bears that continue to work while other bears doze. I work with SharePoint, and while I respect other bears usage of MOSS during the winter time, I am not hibernating and using it like a plug.

Being hungry is always a problem with the salmon are not as prevalent. We have to go upstream to find much of the salmon. It's much better when they are in mating season and then it's simply a matter of catching the ones that dive over the waterfalls.

In a recent Office Live Meeting with other BPOS bears, we were able to discuss some of the areas where we found additional salmon that had grown slightly larger than the ones we were used to. Other bears had scouted through the forests and found a river that was a very great return on investment for bear time. The amount of fish meat we were able to find and eat after sharing the information from this Live Meeting was increased by 67% for all BPOS bears as a group.

Ever since that very productive meeting, we have since dubbed Live Meeting as Live MEATing.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Technorati and Social Networks

Social Networks for Business through SharePoint Online Dedicated

Social networks and media sites are a great way to promote business (even bear business). For companies desirous of 5,000 or more user seats for SharePoint (not available if less than 5,000 seats unfortunately), SharePoint Online Dedicated offers cloud-hosted solutions that provide the same resources as SharePoint Server, but with 99.9% guaranteed uptime and Microsoft Cloud-powered servers.

But what tools can business use within SharePoint Online Dedicated? Simply put, almost anything a business imagination can create. One simple win is to integrate social networks with SharePoint to create a simplified central portal for communicating with the online community. It is also possible to create a search mechanism that integrates online business resources such as Linkedin and, which allow users to research company information.

Technorati for Business

You might receive an e-mail after many moons that will contain a claim code that looks something like this: Q5Q44D8UV7E2 -- which is all part of Technorati's "interesting" blog claim process. 

They request a blog to contain a claim code to confirm blog ownership, but it is not done through the headers and footers. Instead, the claim code is included within the blog itself.  While it is a slow and cumbersome process--almost as though the review involves hibernation of some sort--Technorati is a good bear blogger resource.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Microsoft Online Services: When Server Down Time is like a Tree Falling in the Woods

Microsoft Online Services Banner_01

If a server goes down and no one is there to see it, is the server really down?
– Ancient Wise Bear

Server failing in the woods?

If your server is failing, you’re definitely not out of the woods. If you don’t notice your server is down, it is very much like a tree falling in the woods—if no one is there to hear it, it is like it did not happen. But just the same, if it is like it did not happen, then of course no one is there to fix it… not that a tree falling could be fixed, but fortunately servers are not generally made from trees, and if they are, overheating is the least of your concern.
BPOS bears know the importance of reliable uptime. If we want to get more done with our time before winter is upon us, we have to have the resources when and where they are needed to prepare ourselves. There will always be a winter, just as there will always be a summer (let’s not go into 2012 or Y2K direction with this). The important thing to know is that regardless of whatever you might have going down, be it servers, trees, or beehives, there are repercussions to excessive downtime, and it is a measurable offense worth gnawing at to improve.
The Microsoft Cloud with 99.9% uptime (financially-backed to-boot) is every business bear’s answer to reliable service. Whether you’re on a last minute deadline before the salmon swim upstream or you are against competition that is getting teeth-bearing and ferocious, you need to have the edge to get things done and be prepared for the seasons.
Just as bears need to be able to effectively communicate with their cubs when danger is near, so too does effective communication need to be always available for other business bears. Exchange Server and Office Communications Server are prime examples of software that can improve communication, but if they are down or unavailable, it can be costly—especially when even more business bears become involved.

Small Business Bears and Enterprise Salmon Hunter Online Services

If you are looking for a smaller cub-size investment, or a grizzly grapple at powerful tools, Microsoft BPOS has the SharePoint, Exchange, Live Meeting, and Office Communications Server tools in a cloud-hosted environment to make every business bear have better access to resources, when and where they are needed.
When a server fails and nobody is there to see it or hear it, does it really fail? Yes. That is why BPOS bears have learned to move to the cloud.


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